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Mario Effenberger

“Lightweight construction, EASA operating certification or type certification for product or equipment, there is (almost) nothing that is not possible for me in the support and implementation!”


Qualification: cert. Quality and Process Manager (SAQ), grad. Eng. Civil Engineering, specialization in Structural Engineering

Industries: Aviation industry, authorities

Mario Effenberger is a highly experienced airworthiness expert. He prepares, among others, the necessary documents for the type certification of aircraft. Furthermore, he consults and is active involved for the introduction of and the supervision of the required operating procedures to be approved, which are a mandatory prerequisite for the issuance of a type certificate.

In addition, thanks to his broad experience in the field of structural mechanics and civil engineering, he is increasingly involved in technical simulations and calculations with a focus on, but not limited to, aeronautical products.

Quality Management and Process Organization

  • Presentation of the role of the QMB and Quality Manager according to EN ISO 9001:2015 ; ISO 9100:2022 ; AS 9100 ; ISO14001 and ISO 27001
  • Establishment or optimization of the overall business organization as an integrated quality management system
  • Creation, maintenance and optimization of the QM manual, QM procedures, forms, checklists and templates for the overall operation

Aviation Operations

  • Presentation of the role of the CISM and/or HoOA (EASA Form 4-DOA) in interim management (CISM also as QMB as well as QM)
  • Introduction or maintenance and optimization of the Safety Management System according to EASA Part 21/145 requirements, together with procedures, forms, checklists and templates for the overall operation (including interfaces in maintenance / manufacturing and design operations)
  • Creation, maintenance and optimization of DO, PO & MO manuals and the corresponding procedures, forms, checklists and templates for those organizations (including related interfaces to each other) according to EASA Part 21 Subparts F/G, J and Part 145

Product Certification / Type Certification

  • Planning, coordination and conduct of all activities required within the scope of product certification and operating approval of a type design including independent verification and type testing.
  • Cooperation and coordination with approving authorities, worldwide

Lightweight construction and stress analysis

  • Conception or review of concepts and design drafts regarding weight reduction as well as increase of static and dynamic strength using either fiber composites or conventional raw material
  • Build-Up of GFEM / Master-Model and stress analysis using FEA and conventional analysis methods as accepted means of compliance

Coaching / Education / Training

  • Conception of competence schemes relevant to the scope of approval
  • Training and coaching of new employees in the areas of company organization, product approval, quality management, lightweight construction and strength analysis

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